I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks through Rtn Desmond Woods (RC of Canberra) to you all, for your kind and generous donations - leading to a dream come true intervention “Project Abigail”, scheduled for implementation at Kimaanya Secondary School in Masaka, Uganda!
Like in many African countries, the lack of hygiene provisions in rural Ugandan schools is no secret! There are thousands of learners across the country particularly in under-resourced communities whose education is impeded by inadequate WASH infrastructure. In the case of Kimaanya Secondary School, challenges related to hygiene and sanitation inadequacies are significantly substantial. Currently, the school experiences a critical need of (additional) bathroom stalls to support more than 750 girls’ menstrual, hygiene and sanitary necessities.
With funds raised through your generous contributions, we intend to construct a block of 8 bathroom stalls, equipped with convenient water access from the water station we constructed in 2023, with the generous assistance of Rotary Club of Berry.
Project Abigail is more than just bathroom stalls! These dedicated bathroom cubicles with a waste disposal outlet will not only underpin our WASH activities at this school, but also offer privacy, comfort, safety and a space for the girls to experience a positive and respectful environment in which they are able to confidently care for their bodies while also practicing self care throughout their menstrual cycle.
While scholastic essentials such as pens, books, chalkboards, chairs and desks are key requirements for creating an effective learning space, complementing this space are gender sensitive hygiene and sanitation provisions that give learners the support and confidence they need to stay in school and learn while fully exercising their hygiene and sanitation rights.
We sincerely appreciate the ongoing support of Rtn Desmond in particular - the positive momentum he has built around Project Abigail leading to a very beautiful outcome! This project would be impossible without him!
Once again, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for investing in the children we serve! The joy and excitement that filled the girl’s dormitories when we announced two days ago that project Abigail would eventually be implemented at their school is a memory that will stay with each one of us at Assisi Centre for a very long time!
Here below in the 19 images attached, you will be able to see the joy and excitement of Abigail and some of her classmates and just how much this project means to them.
With much gratitude,